Hi, I’m David, a personal trainer, nutritionist, and strength coach.
I coach men and women to lose stubborn belly fat and add lean muscle by addressing excessive insulin resistance, adrenal burnout, impaired liver function, and high estrogen levels.
Health comes first. I dig deep with an array of questions to revile the underlying cause of what is happening with your body – inside and out. I solve your deepest health problems.
I always start with your needs and goals. Then we’ll work together to develop a plan to help you eat, move, and live better—in a way that works for your body, and your life.
No cookie-cutter programs here. I will create a personalized plan that’s tailored specifically to your goals, needs, and preferences. At $179.77/month, personal coaching is finally affordable. And it just works. Why? Because I am committed to helping you get into the shape you want.
I’ll remove all the guesswork and provide the accountability, direction, and support you need to stay consistent, no matter what life throws at you. We’re in this together.
You don’t have to go to extremes to get amazing results. I’ll help you achieve your goals without flipping your life upside down.
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