The Benefits of Green Tea: Why It’s Good for You

The Benefits of Green Tea: Why It’s Good for You For thousands of years, the Chinese have been drinking green tea, which has long been attributed for its medicinal properties, which the Chinese believe to be responsible for treating different kinds of illness, and it is also linked to longevity where the Chinese have the […]

Slim Down or Shed 13 Years!

Slim Down or Shed 13 Years! We hear everything at the moment … lose weight for your health and wellness. A couple of people, nevertheless, recognize the extent to which this is important to their physical fitness and, eventually, their life span. In January 2003, the Journal of the American Medical Association featured a research […]

What Everyone Must Know About THE TOP 10 HEALTHY EATING HABITS

What Everyone Must Know About THE TOP 10 HEALTHY EATING HABITS… In a nutshell, a healthy diet involves: (1) More home-cooked food, less eating out. (2) More fresh fruit (berries)as snacks. (3) More fresh vegetables (all green you want) for snacks and meals. (4) More beans as sides or in stews. (5) More dense, chewy […]


The Best Way To LOSE WEIGHT FOR A HEALTHIER HEART – Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of obese Americans continues to rise. Thirty percent of adults over the age of 20-more than 60 million people are obese, which means they […]


Boost Your DIET CHANGE FOR WEIGHT LOSS With These Tips… One of the most important things to do when trying to get in shape is to take caution with your diet. This does not accept any time from your schedule, and you will feel much healthier when you eat the right foods in the correct […]

Women Fat Loss –

Women Fat Loss I realize absolute certainty that women are considerably different from males physiologically, and female fat loss is more complex in several respects in working with hundreds of patients over the years.  In the case of women between the ages of 20 and 40 years, female fat loss in the next 40 years […]

Cancer Prevention and Green Tea Intake

Cancer Prevention and Green Tea Intake Green tea drinkers are said to be less liable to cancer than non-drinkers. Some clinical studies have already proved this. You see, tea leaf has been quite fashionable for several years now. The traditional Chinese are celebrated for drinking green tea attributable to its many health benefits; now, more individuals worldwide are drinking the superb tea. Cancer rates in countries that consume excessive green tea are abundant lower, in step […]

Do you think you are fit?

Are You Well? Wellness refers to desirable bodily and intellectual fitness, notably maintained through proper diet, workout, and behavior. Nutrition refers to nurturing our frame in our capacity to keep it wholesome and functioning because it is meant to. Our ability to offer the edge with all the essential food, nutrients, and minerals so that […]

What is the Ketogenic Diet? Home – Posts The Major Do’s and Don’ts Basics of a ketogenic diet The ketogenic diet is more demanding than any other diet. This is because your body requires specific conditions to start ketosis. The most important part is the restriction of carbohydrates, but for many, the limitation of protein […]

Ketogenic Diet

Basics of a ketogenic diet The ketogenic diet is more demanding than any other diet. This is because your body requires specific conditions to start ketosis. The most important part is the restriction of carbohydrates, but for many, the limitation of protein comes as a surprise – mainly due to the lack of carbohydrates in […]